*…with apologies to Lieber and Stoller’s 50s hit.

Creating a weblog is an interesting experience.  It’s a leap of faith actually, that someone other than me might be interested in what I’m thinking and would be willing to open up a conversation.

Before I retired to Southern California I wrote a blog for my company.  It was unexpectedly satisfying.  Being a perpetual student, I’ve always been insatiably curious about everything – so I love the research aspects that come along with learning about new things.  At our house, “Google it!”  is an action phrase.   I’m naturally inclined to share my discoveries with my friends, whether it’s a new restaurant, a great play or learning the derivation of an odd phrase.  So for me, writing about such things becomes an extension of every day communication. 

I spent the first year or so of retirement wondering how I could gracefully make the transition to not going at top speed twelve hours a day — and not being engaged in something relevant.  Clearly, that transition was and still is a challenge – a work in process.  My brain needs to be engaged!  

More than one person suggested that I write.  “What about creating a review type blog about restaurants in our community?” someone asked.  That resonated, but I thought the subject ought to embrace all kinds of cultural experiences that enrich our lives and make us smile, not just restaurants.  Thus was born, La Bella Vita.  We baby boomers are indeed experiencing The Good Life.

Writing a weblog, however, can be frustrating (and lonely) when it’s a one-sided conversation and that’s definitely what this is, until a following and the resultant two-way conversation develops.  I can see from the traffic reports that the weblog is being picked up by quite a few followers and folks are clicking on the like button, but

I have no way of knowing who you are, if you don’t talk back.  

The goal is not only to inform but to also engage you, and hopefully entice you to respond.  Make a comment, agree, disagree, like, don’t like, bring another element to the topic at hand.  Without you it’s not a conversation, it’s a sermon, and that’s not very interesting.  At least, it’s not what I hope to accomplish.   Passing the blog on to others that you think might find it interesting/enjoyable would be nice, too. 

Sometimes it feels like it’s dark outside and I’m shouting out the back door…”Is anybody out there?”  I’d like to continue what I’ve started, so a word from you would be helpful.

Please talk back!

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